The Relocation of Plateau
November 2, 2018
In 2006, I was commissioned by the University of Pennsylvania in cooperation with the Redevelopment Authority of Philadelphia to build a public project on the edge of the campus. It occupied approximately 4,800 square feet and was intended to function as an interface between the University and the surrounding neighborhood, providing a social space for the community of students, workers and residents. The project was made of perforated steel, concrete and light which formed interlocking pavilions, tables, and seating designating locations for private and social interaction.

The original installation of Plateau in 2006.
In November 2017, I was notified by the University that they needed to build a new dormitory on that particular site and therefore the work had to be moved to another location. I spent several months redesigning the project to fit into a smaller space, changed the orientation of elements and advised on new plantings. In Fall 2018 the work was dismantled and reinstalled 100 yards down the road.

The relocation of Plateau in 2017. Photograph by Jeremy Lawson.